In a message dated 1/6/05 11:01:58 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

For the HepatitisB, I can't recommend Transfer Factor highly  enough.  It has 
saved several of my friends from terminal cancer and also  has a good track 
record with HepB.  
CS shouldn't hurt  either, since it's cooling and Hepatitis creates 
conditions of "heat".
Sally wrote:

To all you wonderful posters here in the USA and abroad I post  this
question.  I received a call from my oldest daughter living in  Virginia.
She informed me that she has Hepatitus-B, and has undergone  several
clinical trials with new drugs.  Her doctors had her on  "Interferon" for
awhile which helped only for a short time.  During the testing of  dif-
ferent protocols her Thyroid was all but destroyed(now taking  Thyroid
pills.).  Her doctors are not giving her a favourable diagnosis  and she
had to give up her job.  Does anyone know if EIS or CS would be  ben-         
                   eficial to her condition?  Any insight would be genuinely  
The doctors said her liver is also under a grave attack. She is  emotion-
ally and physically spent and turned to me for answers which I  have
none to  offer.                Thanks,  Pete

Do you Yahoo!?
The _all-new My _ ( 

Thanks Sally,
I will pass this info on to my daughter also. I am trying not to  over-burden
her at the present as she is not employed due to her condition.  I am  trying
to soften the load by sending her my "EIS", but I am handicapped and  semi-
retired so all the remedies I've seen are not currently available due to  
I deeply appreciate all the input you and others have offered, and  hopefully 
this info will bring her to complete recovery.
               Thank you,  Pete