Thanks for your greeting.  I would love to know how you made the 10 ppm.  I 
think the Sota Unit I use makes only about 5 ppm.  I also tried making my own 
unit with two Canadian Maple Leafs (99.9) and a fish tank bubbler.  This might 
make a stronger brew, but how do I test it?

Best wishes, Mary

----- Original Message ----- 
From: bbanever 
Sent: 9/2/2005 6:14:39 AM 
Subject: CS>Hello Mary Bennett

Welcome to the group.  Alot of useful (and some not so useful) info here.  I 
have had great success using CS for a chronic sinusitis.... I just put half a 
dropperfull of 10ppm home made ionic silver and distilled H2O into each nostril 
as I lay on my back... let it sit for a few minutes while I move my head gently 
from side to side.  Did that a couple of times a day for a few days and cleard 
my sinusitis that I had had for many years.