After reading the article posted by ode, I searched gold, amalgam, and "galvanic corrosion" (as suggested by the author) and came up with this...

Clinical management of galvanic current between gold and amalgam.

Williamson R.

Department of Oral Health Practice, University of Kentucky College of Dentistry, Lexington, USA.

Placing a strip of rubber dam or similar insulator between the contacting dissimilar restorations is a diagnostic technique for relieving and evaluating painful galvanic currents. Treatment modalities vary according to severity of pain. In cases of little or no pain, nothing is done, and corrosion products are allowed to form an insulating cover over the offending restoration. For patients with severe pain that does not improve, treatment may consist of placing a composite restoration in the amalgam restoration to break the interproximal dissimilar-metal contact. For painful currents caused by occluding restorations, a coating of unfilled light-cured resin over the offending amalgam breaks the metal contact and allows corrosion product buildup. Galvanic currents can occur and cause pain, but this is generally shortlived and should not influence the dentist's choice of an appropriate restorative material.


This makes me FURIOUS. Can't these people understand that if there is a galvanic current that SOMETHING is giving up electrons and don't they KNOW that it is the mercury?

But no, let's make removing the amalgam the last option.

Sorry, it's a hot topic with me.

But at least now I have plenty to copy and take to my dentist to show him that the pain I've been in is not just in my "head" (although it is in my head :-)

Lea Ann

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lea Ann" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 9:35 AM
Subject: CS>gold crowns and battery effect

This topic is of great importance to me as I came down with severe chronic fatigue within weeks of having two gold crowns placed in my mouth along with a host of pre-existing mercury fillings. I have also experienced SEVERE electrical shocks in my neck and back of my skull on occassion. This only started after the gold crowns were placed and I know that this is due to a battery effect (but of course my dentist does not believe this).

These shocks happen about 6-10 times an hour and when one hits I am in a great deal of pain. They last for probably a fraction of a second but they really, really hurt. This will go on for 24-48 hours, even through the night, then go away. These episodes come on about once a month.

I went all summer and most of this fall without an episode but had another one a couple of days ago.

One of those gold crowned teeth had to be pulled. If I have another electrical shock episode I think I'll just go to my dentist and DEMAND that he pull the other one.

I want to go to Mexico to have the rest of my amalgams and root canal teeth removed but as a stay at home mother we have very limited funds and even with the huge discount, a trip to Mexico would cost us money we don't have right now.

Anyway, I see that I'm rambling.

I remain very interested in this topic!

Lea Ann

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ode Coyote" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:21 AM
Subject: Re: CS>silver ions vs. particles

You are talking about a battery effect?
I you have a gold crown, mercury 'can', but not always, slowly plate to
that crown.

Pretty detailed article here on gold / amalgam reactions..a bit over my head

The electrochemical potentials  in the order from most reactive (+) to
least reactive (-):
Zn & Zn(Hg) > Sn > Cu(Hg) > Cu > Ag > Hg > Au
+.7626 +.1406 -.3511 -.3400 -.799 -.852 -1.42

Reverse amalgam-ation, perhaps, where silver sucks mercury that's alloyed
with silver out of fillings?

I dunno,  mercury has a pretty strong tendency to dissolve things like
silver, zinc,  tin, gold and lead into it at room temperatures.
Never tried it with aluminum or copper.  Maybe those too.

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