You guys both need to "get with it" and start using a spellchecker...

No Bull.


>>> V <> 11/01/05 4:04 PM >>>
Hi Robert,

I think its more that the media and govrenment and medical system is
irrisponsible. All flue that there ids is bird flu. this one is not any
differnt. its jsut a scare tactic to make money for the drug companies
which happen to have members in our government which also run the media.
YOU get with it OL Bob and quit accepting the party line Bull. 

Take care,

> Terry you are irresponisible !!!!!!
> China who would not acknowledge the presents if SARS several years ago
> has stated publicly that when the bird flu mutates to humans it is
> closing its borders.  That would be a hugh financial loss the loss of
peope would be greater.
> Get with-it and stop the Bull !!!
> "Ole bob"

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