1.  Take the herb combination Comfrey  & Fenugreek from Newbody Products.  
(310) 537-4793 (Southern  California, USA).  It is excellent for healing 
physical injuries.   Call them in the morning on a weekday, tell them it is an 
emergency, and you  will have the herbs from UPS the next day.  My daughter had 
bad skiing  accident and wanted to go to the Emergency Room.  I gave her 18 
Comfrey  & Fenugreek capsules, and told her we would take her to the Emergency 
Room  the next morning as it was late and a long distance home from the ski  
slopes.  The next day she walked normally, said she felt OK, and went  
You won't overdo it if you take 18/day.  These herbs are  best taken on an 
empty stomach.
2.  Take two tablespoons ground raw  black sesame seeds per day to supply 
bioavailable calcium for  healing.
3.  Take one-half capsule myrrh to  reduce inflammation (only this much is 
4.  Tape or wrap the toe to the rest  of the foot, and wear protective shoes 
so the break has a chance to heal without  getting jarred or rebroken.
5.  Do EFT.  You can download  the quick-start information (with the picture 
of the cake) from _www.emofree.com_ (http://www.emofree.com) .  In addition to 
what the  EFT manual says, I would add the following:
One thing I find that helps heal  tremendously is to discover and clear the 
negative emotion that is stored in the  physical problem.  Breathe with your 
mouth open long enough (a few minutes,  at most) to answer the question, "What 
negative feeling am I storing in my  toe?"  Take the first thought on your 
mind, and don't pay attention to the  fears that this will not work; it does.  
When you get the negative feeling,  EFT it away.  If there is pain, swelling, 
etc., left, repeat the process,  asking, "What negative feeling is still 
remaining in my toe?  
Best wishes for a speedy  recovery,