Try alternating hot and cold water soaks.  Works better than hot soaks
alone and speeds up healing.  If hot water is causing swelling, you can
use alternating cold and warm soaks or cold and room temp alternations. 
Put ice onto one bucket and hot water in another and alternate foot. 
Just don't get it hot enough to burn the skin though, pay attention. 
You don't need to actually freeze it either ;-)).  Do it several times a

(Experimental)  Fill a container with CS.  Put the whole toe or foot in
it.  Connect a silver electrode to the POSITIVE output of the zapper and
put the electrode in the container of CS (in the water).  Hold the
negative electrode in one hand or put it on the leg somewhere above the
injured part.  Zapp the CS into the toe in this fashion.  


>>> Linda Ellis <> 11/13/2005 9:43:46 PM >>>
Okay, this may be OT, but there are so many holistic types out here,
I'm betting someone has some ideas!
I'm looking for ideas to help my husband with what we are pretty sure
is a broken toe.  No point going to the ER with it - they'll give him a
boot and send him home.

I want to make him more comfortable, and try to get the swelling down
(he hit his toe over 24 hours ago, so we're doing heat to promote

I've also had him pulsing with Bil's MP5K, and using footbaths with
Epsom Salts and Apple Cider Vinegar and DMSO.

Does anybody else out there have any ideas?   We'll try it all....


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