Is Mookie drinking enough? What about litterbox 'dampness?" We had a cat,
Murphy, for about 20 years, every few years his kidneys would go into
overdrive, or something, and he would start to get dehydrated, even though
the box was full of 'clumps.' It was like the water went right through him
so fast the body didn't have time to get what it needed. We always took him
to the vet, an old family friend, who would usually test urine, and then
send us home with a quart of IV fluid and a large bore needle. We would just
give him the extra fluid under the skin at intervals until it was gone. Then
he would be fine again for a few years....strange. The vet never figured it
out, and a substitute vet once when he was on vacation, did a lot of other
tests that proved nothing out of whack. ($$$ vacation for us!)

Take Mookie to the Vet.

Mark S. Siepak,

From: Raine <>

I have a question about my cat (will also post it to the SilverPets list,
but lately some posts have taken days to go through and I don't want to
wait). He was just laying in my lap having "purr-fest" and I realized that
his normally pink nose is very pale in color, almost white. His gums are
also quite pale. I believe this is indicative of anemia?
He's young (15 months) and is behaving normally. He eats Innova Evo for
cats. I also add CS to his water because he occasionally gets mouth sores.
He doesn't have fleas, or worms (to my knowledge). He hasn't had any
vaccinations since I got him last Jan.
Does anyone know of any other reason for his pale nose/gums? What should I
look for, and/or do?

Raine, with Mookie the Mindless
"You do not examine legislation in light of the benefits it will convey if
properly administered, but in light of the wrongs it would do and the harms
it would cause if improperly administered."   ‹Lyndon B. Johnson