My son's acne cleared up really quickly using a zapper.  Most of the
redness was gone in only one hour.  It was so quick after that.  I even
forget how long it did take, but in way less than 2 weeks it was a non
issue.  He did use the zapper regularly.  He is good about taking vitamins
and minerals and flax oil in capsules (of course).  :)   Best wishes,
pj       And I think you are right about her having esteem issues with
acne.  Those who say people don't really notice must live on some other
planet, since I have never seen anyone who didn't notice sores on someone's
face.  Have had it myself and it is very embarassing.  I did not want to
show my face in public and can't see why anyone else would feel any
differently.   I think a godzilla would work too--maybe even better.    Very
best wishes,  pj