Where did your son apply the electrodes for his acne?

My son has acne on and off. If he remembers to spray with CS/EIS daily it is not bad at all, but when he is lax it flares up something fierce. (I know his diet plays a huge role, and I have informed him of this. He is 15 going on 50, and I find that the role of food nazi disagrees with me.) I currently have a $10 zapper, and will be building a Godzilla very soon.


Shirley Reed wrote:

My son's acne cleared up really quickly using a zapper. Most of the redness was gone in only one hour. It was so quick after that. I even forget how long it did take, but in way less than 2 weeks it was a non issue. He did use the zapper regularly. He is good about taking vitamins and minerals and flax oil in capsules (of course). :) Best wishes, pj And I think you are right about her having esteem issues with acne. Those who say people don't really notice must live on some other planet, since I have never seen anyone who didn't notice sores on someone's face. Have had it myself and it is very embarassing. I did not want to show my face in public and can't see why anyone else would feel any differently. I think a godzilla would work too--maybe even better. Very best wishes, pj

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  • CS>acne Shirley Reed
    • Re: CS>acne Raine