Mike.... (ok my settings are on "plain text" and my security at normal-
I hope this comes thru normally, if not any thoughts???

I do have this book but I've only read a couple chapters. may I offer my
experience with books when this happens? 

I read aloud to my husband a lot (he's not a book reader) and he 'gets
it' the first time, probably like yourself- instantly and it stays with
him (same as when we argue! LOL ie. I GOT IT THE FIRST TIME!!! As I
continue to plead my point..he he. In fact he gets quite frustrated with
these types of books and says to me "ya ya, why do they all repeat
themselves?? I got it the first time!!!" One author in particular that
comes to mind from years ago is Dr. Ian Billinghurst on the Barf Diet,
but there are others he dislikes that I have read.

However, I don't seem to learn the same as him. I need to read stuff
over and over and over before it sinks in and sticks!!! LOL So for me
this actually works to my benefit for a book to repeat itself and I have
found a lot of authors do that and I love it but as long as it is new
material. ;-) otherwise I skim and skip. But maybe that is why? I am a
very quick reader and speaker and I do skim and skip a lot when I read
so maybe this is why....I'm not really paying attention,  what I didn't
pick up in the first chapter, when it gets repeated in the 3rd one I
catch it yk?

Now the other thing that you might be experiencing is that everything
inthis book you already are aware of so it's not a big revelation or

I also found this with a holistic parenting nutritional ebook- I ordered
it, read it and went hmmmm, but I already know all that, she's not
telling me anything new. ;-( However, I also realized after 8 yrs of
reading a bazillion books that this one would have been a great one to
start with as someone just starting out or figuring stuff out. I also
think this book is wonderful for some people- I actually just got it
back from a mainstream woman who lost her husband last year so for her
it would have a totally different meaning then for me.

Just my musing...


-----Original Message-----
From: M. G. Devour [mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com] 
Sent: April 26, 2006 5:45 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Book

I have the updated version of Trudeau's "Natural Cures "They" Don't 
Want You To Know About." I'm almost finished with it.

He covers the field pretty completely, and there were some things I 
hadn't heard about after 9 years of interest in alternative medicine. 
It is nice to have it all collected into one place... or would be if he 
presented it better.

If your thoughts differ, please share. I'm all for any argument that 
would bolster my opinion of the man.

Be well,

Mike D.


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