Oops sorry, hit send accidentally.

It apparently is not biodiesel.  They quote some very high figures for 
setting up biodiesel, which don't sound at all like the backyard production 
costs I've read about!


They say on:  http://www.dieselsecret.com/notbiodiesel.html  :

The reasons why you should NOT undertake the manufacture of Bio-diesel are 
apparent from the dangers of Methanol alone. Add to that the higher expense 
of manufacture, difficulties in obtaining and safely storing methanol and 
lye, and the need to dispose of the waste by-product glycerin, and you can 
quickly see why we make NO comparison to Bio-diesel.

In fact, the only fair comparison to Bio-diesel with our fuel is it's 
performance and stability. Both fuels are stable and have performance 
characteristics virtually identical to petroleum diesel. Both are good for 
the environment. Both add more lubrication to your injection pump than 
petroleum diesel and will decrease the need for maintenance.

One more reason to choose

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