My sn in law's cost was under $50.  He got an old washing machine pump and
motor for free, and he paid $10 for 55 gallon barrel, and he paid about $10 for
the electric hot water heater and thermostat.  The rest went into pvc piping,
filter, and ingredients.


Rowena wrote:

> Oops sorry, hit send accidentally.
> It apparently is not biodiesel.  They quote some very high figures for
> setting up biodiesel, which don't sound at all like the backyard production
> costs I've read about!
> Rowena
> They say on:  :
> The reasons why you should NOT undertake the manufacture of Bio-diesel are
> apparent from the dangers of Methanol alone. Add to that the higher expense
> of manufacture, difficulties in obtaining and safely storing methanol and
> lye, and the need to dispose of the waste by-product glycerin, and you can
> quickly see why we make NO comparison to Bio-diesel.
> In fact, the only fair comparison to Bio-diesel with our fuel is it's
> performance and stability. Both fuels are stable and have performance
> characteristics virtually identical to petroleum diesel. Both are good for
> the environment. Both add more lubrication to your injection pump than
> petroleum diesel and will decrease the need for maintenance.
> One more reason to choose
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