Scott, I had a similar thing and was diagnosed, by a homeopath, as having glandular fever. Try a litre of cs per day for a couple of days - it worked -along with homeopathy - for me .-good luck - Richard
On 22/08/2006, at 14:35, Scott wrote:


I don't know if this is any consolation, but I, too have been suffering from severe fatigue and am only 47 y.o. I have no idea what is causing it. I use 2 tablespoons of CS per day, eat right and sleep like a baby. So, if you find out what is happening let me know and I'll do the same if I find out. I believe it has to do with Weather Modification, The Shield Project and ELF. I can't think of what else it could be, at this time.


Lisa Shepherd <> wrote:
Hey Gang,
Got a puzzle I need help figuring out. Sure hope someone has an idea. My co-drivers mom is suffering from severe fatigue, she has been tested up one side and down the other and the Dr.s can find no reason for it. Her brother had it at one time and was hospitolized, they never did figure it out when he had it, just one day he suddenly got better. She is 80 and her brother was in his late 60's when he had this malady. To our knowledge the Dr.s have tested for everything, extensively, but it is scaring my co-driver because she just isnt strong enough to fight this off much longer and continues to fall farther down as time passes, this has been going on for months now, and small problems have been found, i know one was enemia, but it alas, didnt fix the energy problem when it was cured. please share any ideas, we are very worried and will check most anything out. Thanks and God bless all. Lisa.
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