CS Friends, I hope this won't be considered off topic.  I have seen references 
lately that the WTA (World Trade and the European Union CODEX & the FDA are 
taking more alternative and natural treatment options from the market.  
Hormones are now considered drugs and will no longer be available at health 
food stores, Progesteron, DHEA, Melatonin are going to be regarded as drugs. 
Many herbs will be removed as well as the vitamin and Minerals will be reduced 
in strength.  I have an idea how to stand up for our rights against the Various 
organizations and political powers.  Is it alright if I post my email addy on 
this board? If not may people correspond on this subject here? Thank you 
Marlene WA PS I have Multiple Sclerosis and use the Histamine and Alternative 
Treatment board as my home base.
  ---- Original Message ----- 
  From: patriot2...@mindspring.com<mailto:patriot2...@mindspring.com> 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com<mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com> 
  Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 2:21 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins

  At 12:40 PM 3/24/2007, you wrote:

    total large bowel removal sounds very drastic.
    Is there something that the very wise and knowledgable people  here  can 
    you with?

    Anyone?   V

  About three years ago, my daughter-in-law's grandmother, a little old lady in 
her eighties, but vivacious and ACTIVE, was stricken with a mysterious bowel 
condition.  They put her in the hospital, in Tijuana, where she lives.  They 
treated her with antibiotics from here to there -- and I don't know what all, 
but were not making any headway with her infection.  Her condition was going 
from bad to worse.  In frustration, finally they told her that their 
recommendation was the removal of her large intestine and placement of a 
colostomy bag.  She was very sick, but she was not about to give them a "yes," 
for that.  She thought about it for awhile, and said, "Thanks, but no thanks.  
I would rather die with my body intact."  And she went home.  

  I had been reading The Maker's Diet, by Jordan Rubin not long before that.  
He was wasting away and near death at age 19, with no cure or hope in sight, 
and received recommendations the same as Grandma got.  Only fortuitous 
circumstance kept him from going through with it, and putting him in touch with 
someone who took him in hand and gave him what he needed to heal himself.  Six 
months later the picture of the healthy young man in his book bears scant 
resemblance to the cadaverous picture of him at his sickest.

  I asked Carol if Grandma would be willing to try some of the things in the 
Maker's Diet, and if she had someone to help her stay on a protocol.  Answers, 
yes to both.  I hiked up to the Vitamin Shoppe in our neighborhood, bought the 
book, a bottle of Primal Defense, their goatein and a couple of other products, 
like greens powders (spirulina and chlorella) and flax oil.  I also sent along 
some colloidal silver and real kefir, with kefir "grains" to make more.   There 
may have been one or two other things in my rescue package, I am sorry, I 
cannot recall perfectly.  I was just a do-gooder, flying blind, you know -- not 
an expert.

  Cutting to the chase.  In a week or two, Grandma began to feel a little 
better.  (I would check once a week with my daughter-in-law.)  Appetite seemed 
a bit low.  I suggested whatever constitutes "comfort food" in that culture.  
(For me, it would have been milk toast, macaroni and cheese, puddings, etc. -- 
I don't know what is comfort food in the Mexican cuisine!)   That helped.  
After about a month, she reported that Grandma had gotten bored with being 
cooped up, went out and took herself for a drive all around TJ!   She has been 
fine ever since, and kept her colon intact, happily.  We see her once a year at 
a family gathering for New Years and that little old lady looks to be in 
perfect health.

  The cost of the CARE package was about $115.  I don't know that the CARE 
package was the reason for her cure, but if it was, it was a pretty reasonable 
price to save a little old lady from the fate she would have faced otherwise.


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