I replied to you.  The other person who thought you were not overweight replied 
to Carol Anne thinking it was you.  (Must have been a guy tee hee hee :0))

----- Original Message ----
From: Dee <d...@deetroy.org>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2007 4:15:59 AM
Subject: Re: another interesting site on iodine, was Re: CS>low sodium on blood 
test- now iodine again - OT

Hi Doris, I seemed to have replied to your email through another persons reply! 
 I do agree, but I just cannot eat 'normal' food (i.e. Veggies, meat etc.,) so 
tend to live on sandwiches and fruit.  I do not eat massive amounts though; 
never more than 2000 calories per day, and if there is something out there that 
could give me a kick start it would be worth it just to bring the weight down  
so that I could continue as I was already doing.  The trouble with starvation 
diets is that you can't sustain them for obvious reasons and as soon as you eat 
anywhere near a normal amount of calories, bang, on it goes and more!  Dee (I 
think you replied to Carol Ann and thought it was me)
-------Original Message-------
From: Cinder Ella
Date: 08/04/2007 19:09:26
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: another interesting site on iodine, was Re: CS>low sodium on blood 
test- now iodine again - OT
I tried those carb blocker thingies too and lost weight.  You are also losing 
nutrients and if you should ever stop taking those wonderful carb blockers and 
have not managed to changed your eating 
patterns............................................... guess what's going to 
happen?  Your body will put all the weight on and more.  Once your body has 
been deprived of calories, by whatever means, it adapts and makes better use of 
what it is allowed to have.  Then as soon as it gets more than it's used to it 
doesn't need the extra to survive anymore and immediately puts it into fat 
storage for a "rainy day".  Take it from someone who has been there ....... 
done that!  Your body is a wonderfully adaptive machine, very intricate and 

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