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Serbian population evacuated from Kosovo

18.03.2004, 15.02

BELGRADE, March 18 (Itar-Tass) - The U.N. police and the international KFOR troops have evacuated in a matter of only a few hours the entire Serbian population of Pristina and nearby villages, as well as from the town of Obilic. This was done because of the riots, which erupted in Kosovo on Wednesday. Albanian extremists had launched attacks that day on Serbians, U.N. policemen and KFOR servicemen.

Twenty-two people were killed and more than five hundred others were wounded in the course of the riots, Press Secretary of the U.N. Police in Kosovo Derek Chepel divulged in Pristina on Thursday. The situation is calm in Kosovo at present, he added.

According to Chepel, the bodies of twenty-two people were found so far, but the number of casualties may be even bigger. Twenty-two wounded persons had to be hospitalised in critical condition. Sixty-one policemen, including forty U.N. constables, were injured in the clashes.

Head of the Serbian Government’s Coordination Centre for Kosovo Affairs Nebojsa Chovic, who had arrived in Kosovska-Metrovica, called on the Serbian population to defend the northern, Serbian part of the city from possible new Albanian raids in the same way as “the people had defended themselves during the war in 1941”.

He described the actions of Albanian extremists in Kosovo as outright “fascism”, noting that neither the U.N. Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, nor the KFOR “are able to restore law and order in Kosovo”. Chovic stressed that the Wednesday event had completely torpedoed the plans of the world community to form a multinational community in Kosovo.

The situation is tense in the Serbian capital, too. The Belgrade police and medics report that several dozens of people, including thirty-three policemen and three reporters, were injured there during the riots and spontaneous meetings in support of the Kosovo Serbs.

About ten thousand people have been staging a large protest demonstration since Wednesday evening opposite the building of the Serbian government, demanding an end to the escalation of tension in Kosovo and vigorous steps to defend the Serbian minority in that territory. Fire was set to the Belgrade mosque at midnight and several hundred men tried to sack the building of the U.S. Embassy. Windowpanes of the McDonald’s restaurant were smashed in the centre of the city. There were also disorders last night in some other cities of Serbia – Nis, Novi-Sad, Leskovac, Jagodin, and Cacak.

At night’s urgent meeting of the Supreme Defence Council of Serbia and Montenegro, the top political and military leaders of the two republics called on the world community to safeguard the Serbians and Montenegrins and their property in Kosovo, to fully implement the U.N. Council’s resolution 1244 on Kosovo. Security measures on the administrative border of Serbia and Kosovo had to be toughened.


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