On 16-Feb-16 10:16, Dave Wade wrote:
> I
> I think it is also interesting to compare the Intel architecture which
> was designed to be economical with Silicon against the M6800, M6809
> and the M68000 which were designed to be programmer friendly, and of
> course note the similarities between the 68000 & S/360 with 16 general
> purpose registers and orthogonal instruction set) and wonder where we
> would be today had IBM chosen them for its PC rather than the 8086
> which I assume was cheaper…
I worked with IBM in Boca Raton at one point.  This is where the IBM PC
was developed, and I talked with some of the originators.

They told me that they considered the 8086, the 68000 & the T11 for the
PC.  They really, really wanted the -11.  IBM had the largest population
of -11 programmers in the world at one time.  They used the 11 for
manufacturing and real-time.  There was a huge amount of software.  But
DEC wouldn't sell the -11 to them.  So they went for price and that deal
with Gates to write DOS.  Neither was supposed to last...

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