The guest OS wouldn't care, because the guest OS wouldn't see it - there isn't 
a guest OS file system on the disk. The *only* thing reading or writing the 
bits in the guest world is the custom utility program.

For all I know, there may be some guest OSes that insist on having a native 
file system on a disk device. RTE and unix (the only two simh OSes I am 
familiar with) are perfectly happy to have a disk with no file system and let 
you access it as a collection of blocks. 

If an OS insists on a native file system on the disk, then this scheme wouldn't 

-----Original Message-----
From: Simh [] On Behalf Of Armistead, 
Jason .
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Simh] Way out idea for simh

One thing that I don't think has been mentioned is that the guest OS being run 
under SIMH might not take kindly to data changing on these new devices that are 
being proposed.

I would expect the guest OS doesn't expect things to "magically happen", 
because it (quite rightly) believes it is the only thing that is capable of 
doing that.  So any sort of data from the device that is cached by the guest OS 
(maybe directory entries, block allocation data, or parts of a file that was 
recently read) would suddenly risk becoming invalid.  That's a sure-fire recipe 
for chaos.

On something like a SCSI-clustered VMS system, while there were multiple hosts 
attached to a common SCSI bus, there was also cluster communication taking 
place another communication channel like Ethernet to ensure that all nodes had 
a consistent view of what was going on with each SCSI disk.

Dual porting is a tricky thing, but doing it without properly notification 
mechanisms or processes to ensure on-device and in-memory consistency is asking 
for trouble !  Having the guest OS shut down, then making changes to the 
contents of the new device, and then restarting the guest OS via a reboot with 
no further changes from an external source would be one way of doing this in a 
purely process-driven fashion.  This is essentially what SIMH does when 
attaching devices prior to starting the guest OS.

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