On 2016-04-20 20:47, Ken Cornetet wrote:
Well, I did say it was a wild idea...

It is... Well, maybe not wild. Just way complicated and lots of work for something that can be done so much easier.

But on the other hand, I haven't heard any better suggestions. And the only 
problems are:

Better? I'd still say that Kermit is better in every way.

1. Not all OSes support raw disk access or seekable mag tape.

Why do you need seekable?

2. A small LIF transfer utility will have to be written for each OS.

This is not a "small" thing. This would be a huge effort if really wanted this to become ubiquitous. And I still fail to see the point. We've basically established that binary files will still not work, so we're down to text files. Why all these extra steps for something that can be done with already existing tools?

If anyone has better ideas for file transfers, to quote Ross Perot: "I'm all 

Kermit. The fact that you (or whoever it was) had problems does not invalidate the method. Maybe investigate why there was problems, and write up how to solve them, and then be done with it.


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