the vax smp emulator seems to support that theory.


-------- Original message --------
From: Robert Armstrong <>
Date: 2017-03-16 4:07 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: 'Ethan Dicks' <>,
Subject: Re: [Simh] VAX 8200

> Ethan Dicks ( wrote:
>I happen to have one (from when I worked for Jim Ebright).

  I have a running 8350 as well, should you need a dump of the console media or 

  It is, I believe, the physically smallest BI bus VAX, and therefore 
interesting for those reason.  It's the only such machine that I could fit in 
my garage :-)

  It's also the only multi-processor VAX system that I have and equally 
interesting for that reason too.  FWIW, I've always wondered if the limitation 
to two CPUs was purely for testing and support reasons - it doesn't seem that 
there's any reason why you could not plug in three or even more CPU cards.

Bob Armstrong

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