> On Jul 20, 2017, at 11:31 AM, Ray Jewhurst <raywjewhu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The DECPro 3xx series (same era I do believe ) is much more interesting than 
> the Rainbow IMO. It runs with either a Fonz or a Jaws (PDP-11 on a chip) It's 
> OSes are POS, a RSX-11M-PLUS derivative, RT-11, 211BSD and Venix, a Unix 
> System III. Good news is there is an old emulator for it called xhomer which 
> you can get at xhomer.isani.org. Also, it does build well on Ubuntu. Not sure 
> on other distros. There is also a fair amount of documentation on Bitsavers. 
> It may be worth looking into. 

xhomer is an ancient fork of SIMH with a license problem (hard conflict between 
the SIMH license on that version and the GPL intended to apply to the PRO 
mods).  I've tried to see if this can be cured by replacing the GPL, so far no 
luck though I did get one or two encouraging responses.  It would be good to 
merge it into SIMH.  Failing that, I suppose a new implementation would (done 
within SIMH) could be done; the PRO isn't all that hard and the Technical 
Manual on Bitsavers has most of the answers.

I've been wanting to add to the PRO emulation, stuff like Ethernet, or the 
obscure PC3XC 4-line UART card, or PRO-380.  But right now there is no place to 
do that.


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