a pi would do it.
and it's not opening it up
you open to just one port to just that pi
for just the pps

electric cost of a pi is peanuts.

cloud would cost you orders of magnitude more.

hell I run my own servers domain cloud etc

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Joseph Oprysko <joprys...@gmail.com>
Date: 2017-12-01 2:37 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Dan Gahlinger <dgahl...@hotmail.com>
Cc: Ray Jewhurst <raywjewhu...@gmail.com>, simh <simh@trailing-edge.com>
Subject: Re: [Simh] C9.io

Dan, it is easy peasy, but not quite free, as if you want 24/7 access to the 
box, you have to keep the system running 24-7, so electricity costs. Plus, I’m 
planning on having others log in as well, thus I don’t want to open up my 
network like that. That’s why I’m looking for a free hosted/Cloud solution. 
That way someone else can deal with the rest of the network security. I do 
enough of that for work anyway, don’t want to have to monitor my home network 
as thoroughly.

On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 1:12 PM Dan Gahlinger 
<dgahl...@hotmail.com<mailto:dgahl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
A Linux box running simh bridged with nat
Easy peasy and free

Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
From: Simh 
<simh-boun...@trailing-edge.com<mailto:simh-boun...@trailing-edge.com>> on 
behalf of Joseph Oprysko <joprys...@gmail.com<mailto:joprys...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017 1:09:37 PM
To: Ray Jewhurst
Cc: simh
Subject: Re: [Simh] C9.io

Well, running from inside a house and making accessible from the outside is 
easy. But most ot my computers at home generally don’t run 24/7.

Mainly what’s needed for what we both want to be able to do isn’t really a 
shell account on a shared machine, but literally a dedicated VM instance, but 
we need to be able to access that instance through a public IP address.

On a home network, a private IP Address (192.168.x.x, 172.x.x.x ‘actually I 
don’t think it’s the whole 172 network’, or a 10.x.x.x) it’s easy enough to 
setup port forwarding to make it accessible. But on the Cloud based VM’s, I 
don’t know if there is a way to do it. Well, I know there ARE ways, usually 
involves paying for the instance, an external address, and possibly the amount 
of traffic.

Actually, I know Bluehost (is it still a thing?) used to  give you a VM with 
public address in combination with their hosting/domain name service.  But I’m 
hoping to find one that will not cost me anything.

On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 12:21 PM Ray Jewhurst 
<raywjewhu...@gmail.com<mailto:raywjewhu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I have been trying to figure out a solution for something similar to that. I 
want to be able to run a PDP-11 outside of my house for Fortran development. I 
would be running it on my Android phone.

On Dec 1, 2017 12:11 PM, "Joseph Oprysko" 
<joprys...@gmail.com<mailto:joprys...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Does anyone know if I can use the Cloud9 IDE to host a simh System emulation?

I know I’m able to build and execute it in the environment, but what I’d really 
like to achieve is to have a system (or several) running on various instances. 
And be able to connect to them from an external IP address, I believe I am able 
to SSH into an instance, or access it through the web based IDE.

An example might be better. Say I setup an HP system running Time-Share Basic. 
Would I be able to telnet to the TSB instance from various computers?

Thank you,

Normal Person: Hey, it seems that you know a lot.
Geek: To be honest, it's due to all the surfing I do.
Normal Person: So you go surfing?
Normal Person: But I don't think that has anything to do with knowing a lot...
Geek: I think that's wrong on a fundamental level.
Normal Person: Huh? Huh? What?

Simh mailing list

Normal Person: Hey, it seems that you know a lot.
Geek: To be honest, it's due to all the surfing I do.
Normal Person: So you go surfing?
Normal Person: But I don't think that has anything to do with knowing a lot...
Geek: I think that's wrong on a fundamental level.
Normal Person: Huh? Huh? What?
Normal Person: Hey, it seems that you know a lot.
Geek: To be honest, it's due to all the surfing I do.
Normal Person: So you go surfing?
Normal Person: But I don't think that has anything to do with knowing a lot...
Geek: I think that's wrong on a fundamental level.
Normal Person: Huh? Huh? What?
Simh mailing list

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