On 01-Dec-17 17:07, Dan Gahlinger wrote:
> a pi would do it.
> and it's not opening it up
> you open to just one port to just that pi
> for just the pps
Not quite that simple.  To expand on what I wrote previously: Typically,
machines inside your router trust each other.  In that case, once on the
Pi (or SimH guest), a user has access to anything else on your internal
network, unless you setup the right firewalls on each of your other
internal machines.  With a little care, it's not hard to setup a subnet
for the Pi & emulated machines that everyone else can distrust.

E.g. You open an ssh port to your Pi.  A user who ssh's to that Pi now
has a local address, and can ssh to your desktop - or browse for
Windoze/NFS shares - or whatever.  So you need to adjust the firewall on
your desktop to be very careful about what it permits from the Pi.  (And
guests on the Pi.)

It takes some thought to setup a moat around the Pi, but isn't
especially hard.  It does require a change in mindset from "everything
inside my router is more trustworthy than the outside" to "inside my
router is no guarantee, and access is case-by-case."

Note that the network stacks on the Guests probably haven't been updated
in a few decades, so while they will interoperate, they may have
exploitable bugs.  (Exploits never completely die...)

> electric cost of a pi is peanuts.
> cloud would cost you orders of magnitude more.
> hell I run my own servers domain cloud etc
> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Joseph Oprysko <joprys...@gmail.com>
> Date: 2017-12-01 2:37 PM (GMT-05:00)
> To: Dan Gahlinger <dgahl...@hotmail.com>
> Cc: Ray Jewhurst <raywjewhu...@gmail.com>, simh <simh@trailing-edge.com>
> Subject: Re: [Simh] C9.io
> Dan, it is easy peasy, but not quite free, as if you want 24/7 access
> to the box, you have to keep the system running 24-7, so electricity
> costs. Plus, I’m planning on having others log in as well, thus I
> don’t want to open up my network like that. That’s why I’m looking for
> a free hosted/Cloud solution. That way someone else can deal with the
> rest of the network security. I do enough of that for work anyway,
> don’t want to have to monitor my home network as thoroughly. 
> On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 1:12 PM Dan Gahlinger <dgahl...@hotmail.com
> <mailto:dgahl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
>     A Linux box running simh bridged with nat
>     Easy peasy and free
>     Get Outlook for iOS <https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From:* Simh <simh-boun...@trailing-edge.com
>     <mailto:simh-boun...@trailing-edge.com>> on behalf of Joseph
>     Oprysko <joprys...@gmail.com <mailto:joprys...@gmail.com>>
>     *Sent:* Friday, December 1, 2017 1:09:37 PM
>     *To:* Ray Jewhurst
>     *Cc:* simh
>     *Subject:* Re: [Simh] C9.io
>     Well, running from inside a house and making accessible from the
>     outside is easy. But most ot my computers at home generally don’t
>     run 24/7. 
>     Mainly what’s needed for what we both want to be able to do isn’t
>     really a shell account on a shared machine, but literally a
>     dedicated VM instance, but we need to be able to access that
>     instance through a public IP address.
>     On a home network, a private IP Address (192.168.x.x, 172.x.x.x
>     ‘actually I don’t think it’s the whole 172 network’, or a
>     10.x.x.x) it’s easy enough to setup port forwarding to make it
>     accessible. But on the Cloud based VM’s, I don’t know if there is
>     a way to do it. Well, I know there ARE ways, usually involves
>     paying for the instance, an external address, and possibly the
>     amount of traffic. 
>     Actually, I know Bluehost (is it still a thing?) used to  give you
>     a VM with public address in combination with their hosting/domain
>     name service.  But I’m hoping to find one that will not cost me
>     anything. 
>     On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 12:21 PM Ray Jewhurst
>     <raywjewhu...@gmail.com <mailto:raywjewhu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>         I have been trying to figure out a solution for something
>         similar to that. I want to be able to run a PDP-11 outside of
>         my house for Fortran development. I would be running it on my
>         Android phone. 
>         On Dec 1, 2017 12:11 PM, "Joseph Oprysko" <joprys...@gmail.com
>         <mailto:joprys...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>             Does anyone know if I can use the Cloud9 IDE to host a
>             simh System emulation?
>             I know I’m able to build and execute it in the
>             environment, but what I’d really like to achieve is to
>             have a system (or several) running on various instances.
>             And be able to connect to them from an external IP
>             address, I believe I am able to SSH into an instance, or
>             access it through the web based IDE. 
>             An example might be better. Say I setup an HP system
>             running Time-Share Basic. Would I be able to telnet to the
>             TSB instance from various computers?
>             Thank you,
>             Joe
>             -- 
>             Normal Person: Hey, it seems that you know a lot.
>             Geek: To be honest, it's due to all the surfing I do.
>             Normal Person: So you go surfing?
>             Normal Person: But I don't think that has anything to do
>             with knowing a lot...
>             Geek: I think that's wrong on a fundamental level.
>             Normal Person: Huh? Huh? What?
>             _______________________________________________
>             Simh mailing list
>             Simh@trailing-edge.com <mailto:Simh@trailing-edge.com>
>             http://mailman.trailing-edge.com/mailman/listinfo/simh
>     -- 
>     Normal Person: Hey, it seems that you know a lot.
>     Geek: To be honest, it's due to all the surfing I do.
>     Normal Person: So you go surfing?
>     Normal Person: But I don't think that has anything to do with
>     knowing a lot...
>     Geek: I think that's wrong on a fundamental level.
>     Normal Person: Huh? Huh? What?
> -- 
> Normal Person: Hey, it seems that you know a lot.
> Geek: To be honest, it's due to all the surfing I do.
> Normal Person: So you go surfing?
> Normal Person: But I don't think that has anything to do with knowing
> a lot...
> Geek: I think that's wrong on a fundamental level.
> Normal Person: Huh? Huh? What?
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> Simh mailing list
> Simh@trailing-edge.com
> http://mailman.trailing-edge.com/mailman/listinfo/simh

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