On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 2:09 PM, Johnny Billquist <b...@softjar.se> wrote:

> Right. As far as I know, BLISS-16 only ran under VMS.

Hmm I'd be careful here.   As I understand it,​ Hobbs has implied they did
the work on the 10 to start with because at the time TLG was using PDP-10s.
  As one of the language designers, I'd believe him.  That said, what saw
the light of day as product I can not say, I was not paying attention to
that in those days.   Phil or Tim might know.

BTW -- fun side story, the BLISS "code comment" (C Pragmas if you will for
folks that don't speak a dead language) you will see in some old CMU system
code for C.mmp and Cm* is marked 'BOH'  -- which means 'Buzz-Off-Hobbs'
telling him to turn his damned optimizer and listen to us kernel guys.
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