Before I begin.. I need to warn you. I'm not a lawyer, although I have been
trained in a bunch of this specific topic from my days as an expert
witness, working with the both the LCC Lawyers, the DEC Lawyers and now I
actually am trained and teach the internal required course of all SW
engineers at Intel:  Copyright, GPL et al...

On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 11:20 AM Paul Koning <> wrote:

> Note that copyright and license are two separate topics.
> A license is a grant of permission to do specific things with an item of
> property (such as a copyrighted work).

Indeed - although copyright has either an explicit license associated with
it (usual and what the UNIX words used) or an implied license (book
If you add the words 'all rights reserved' or register the copyright, the
implied license is made explicit.

> If Unix V0 is in the public domain for the reasons Al mentioned (published
> without copyright notice prior to 1 Jan 1978) then you can do with it what
> you want, and the license is not relevant (since it isn't anyone's
> property).  If that code is *not* in the public domain for some reason,
> then a license from its owners would come into play.
The owners (Novell in this case) *have relaxed the license associoated with
the copyright *via the ancient UNIX license. V0 is covered under that
license specifically - I'm at work, do I can not check the specific words
on my copy of the document.  But the effect of the words is all versions
developed by AT&T (BTL Research).  FYI:   Dennis was instrumential in
creating this license a number of years ago when AT&T owned the rights and
SCO was the primary distributed (i.e. SRV4 times).  Novell would come in
the play later.    As I say, I have one of these licenses specifically, as
does Warren and many others.   Eventually, during the SCO/IBM suite, it was
all reexamined and you did not need to execute it yourself.

As I have been told by lawyers whom I trust, *the Ancient UNIX licebsed
does not put the code in 'the public domain.' * But, it does allow us all
to use it.   Use and origin should be atributed ( which Warren did on the
V0 project ).

Simply you just need to declare that the work is based on original AT&T
release and you are done.

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