On Wed 05 Sep 2018 at 04:24:20 -0700, Al Kossow wrote:
> https://www.ioccc.org/2018/mills/hint.text

I had to make some changes to prog.c to get this to work on NetBSD 8.
As-is, it sets the baud rate of its controlling terminal to 0 and
thereby hangs it up.  (Is that feature disappeared from Linux, that
nobody noticed this rather fatal bug?)

--- prog.c.orig 2018-09-12 19:41:32.934592869 +0200
+++ prog.c      2018-09-12 21:19:52.179421018 +0200
@@ -3,13 +3,22 @@
 #include <sys/time.h>
 #include  <sys/mman.h>
 # define L } if(!i -- ){
 struct timeval F,G; struct termios H,U={ T} ; enum{ N=64,a=N<<7,b=a-1,c=a*32,d
 =c-1,    e=c/    2,f=    a*2,    g=a/2,h =g/2,j =h/ 2,Q=V*j*5} ; char*s=P,K,M;
 int*      p,      l[      a]      ,m,n,J,o=A,    O=j,E,R,i,k,t,r,q,u,v,w,x,y,z
 ,B,C,    *D,Z    ;int    main    (){ for(D=mmap(D,4*Q,3,W,open(I,2 ),K); *s; o
-++[ l]=k|=* s++%N){ k=* s++%N<<12; k|=*s++% N*N; } tcgetattr(q,& H); tcsetattr
-(y,2,    &U);    for(    fcntl(B,4,4); ; o&=b){ if(k&    c){ q=- --k%N; if(!q)
+++[ l]=k|=* s++%N){ k=* s++%N<<12; k|=*s++% N*N; }
+tcgetattr(q,& H);
+struct termios HH;
+HH.c_iflag = U.c_iflag;
+//HH.c_oflag = U.c_oflag;
+//HH.c_cflag = U.c_cflag;
+HH.c_lflag = U.c_lflag;
+(y,2,    &HH);    for(    fcntl(B,4,4); ; o&=b){ if(k&    c){ q=- --k%N; if(!q)
 k-=c      ;i      =k      /N&7; { L L if(J&1)    m+=      t; J|=m%N*c; J/=2; m
 /= 2;    if(!    q&&r    ^n){ m^=d; J^= d; n=0; } L L    J+=J; J|=m>=0; if(q){
 m+=m; m|=J/c; m+=m<0?t:-t; } else{ m+=(m<0)*t; if(r)m^=d; if(n^r)J^= d; n=0; }

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- Wayland: Those who don't understand X
\X/ rhialto/at/falu.nl      -- are condemned to reinvent it. Poorly.

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