
On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 2:36 AM, David Huynh <dfhu...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Google recently introduced "rich snippets", which are basically
> microformats and RDFa:
> http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/05/introducing-rich-snippets.html
> The idea is that if your web page is marked up with certain attributes
> then search results from your web page will look better on Google.
> So far exhibits' contents are not crawl-able at all by search engines,
> because they are contained inside JSON files rather than in HTML, and
> they are then rendered dynamically in the browser.
> Since Google is starting to pay attention to structured data within web
> pages, I think it might be a really good time to start thinking about
> how to make exhibits crawl-able *and* compatible with Google's support
> for microformats and RDFa at the same time. Two birds with one stone.
> One possible solution is that if you use Exhibit within a php file, then
> you could make the php file get some service like Babel to take your
> JSON file and generate HTML with microformats or RDFa, and inject that
> into a <noscript> block.
> Please let me know if you have any thought on that!

AFAI understand, in the possible solution you mention, you finally
always double the volume of the served data: you serve the original json
plus a specially tagged version in a <noscript>.

This works and is surely appropriate in many cases,

I just add as a remark that, since it may cost bandwidth just to serve
additional data (data specially tagged for Google) that in the general case
(a human visitor using a browser) is not used, an alternative solution
may be preferable in certain cases, and when this is possible:

For those of us who can customize their httpd.conf configuration
of their apache server, we may prefer to implement the solution
which is to serve appropriately, on the same URL, two different versions:
 - one version being the "normal" exhibit, for "normal" human visitors,
 - and the other, for (google)bots, being an ad-hoc html (either static or
dynamically generated by cgi or similar, using or not babel).

This assumes we configure apache to serve, for the same given URL,
the first or the other version, depending on the user-agent that visits this URL
(using appropriate "RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} .../ rewriterule..
in the apache httpd.conf).


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