On 3/16/08, Eric B. Ramsay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It took Microsoft over 1000 engineers, $6 Billion and several years to
> make Vista.  Will building an AGI be any less formidable? If the AGI effort
> is comparable, how can the relatively small efforts of Ben (comparatively
> speaking) and others possibly succeed? If the effort to build an AGI is not
> comparable, why not? Perhaps a consortium (non-governmental) should be
> created specifically for the building of an AGI. Ben talks about a Manhattan
> style project. A consortium could pool all resources currently available
> (people and hardware), actively seek private funds on a  continuing basis
> and give coherence to the effort.
> Eric B. Ramsay
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much money, even when they start off as two guys in a garage.

- Tom

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