> If the concept behind Novamente is truly compelling enough, it
> should be no problem to make a successful pitch.
> Eric B. Ramsay

Gee ... you mean, I could pitch the idea of funding Novamente to
people with money??  I never thought of that!!  Thanks for the
advice ;-pp

Evidently, the concept behind Novamente is not "truly compelling
enough" to the casual observer,
as we have failed to attract big-bucks backers so far...

Many folks we've talked to are interested in what we're doing but
it seems we'll have to get further toward the end goal in order to
overcome their AGI skepticism...

Part of the issue is that the concepts underlying NM are both
complex and subtle, not lending themselves all that well to
"elevator pitch" treatment ... or even "PPT summary" treatment
(though there are summaries in both PPT and conference-paper

If you think that's a mark against NM, consider this: What's your
elevator-pitch description of how the human brain works?  How
about the human body?  Businesspeople favor the simplistic, yet
the engineering of complex cognitive systems doesn't match well
with this bias....

Please note that many successful inventors in history have had
huge trouble getting financial backing, although in hindsight
we find their ideas "truly compelling."  (And, many failed inventors
with terrible ideas have also had huge trouble getting financial

-- Ben G

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