Thomas McCabe wrote:
On 4/18/08, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Such a discussion list would be just another exclusive club for people
dedicated to spineless Yudkowsky-worship.

 Richard Loosemore

Eli's not a member of fai-logistics, and I don't think he even knows
about it yet. As for your challenge, you have to convince other people
that your theory is of some merit before people will consider it

People *have* taken both the challenge and my theory (two different things, notice) seriously. They just do not belong to the SIAI group, and they do not make their views known in these public fora. They just communicate with me offlist.

Your suggestion that I have to convince people of its merits before they take it seriously is rather naive (if you will forgive me for saying so). The particular kind of people who are prepared to defend their views with any amount of incoherent rationalization, and who will use any amount of personal slander to attack people they dislike, are not going to be convinced of anything if it does not suit them, nor will they ever take it seriously.

I am quite content, at this stage, to point to the sum total of all the responses to my suggestion, and let others judge the situation as it stands.

I will elaborate on the ideas when I have written down the framework that allows people to understand the ideas easily. All in good time.

Richard Loosemore

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