I'm sorry, but this is not "getting back to established scientific theory" - I have met Evan Harris Walker, have read his book (at least in the draft form that he gave me in 1982) and as a physicist I know enough quantum mechanics to know that his theory is complete bunkum.

There is no need for quantum tunneling across synapses, because there are well established molecular transport mechanisms that do this. Who cares about one electron in a billion getting across when several billion electrons, and other junk, gets across by quite ordinary means?

Also, his theory is like many others in that it explains "consciousness" before it even says what consciousness is. A bit like having a complete, quantum mechanical theory of the Easter Bunny before being able to specify exactly what the bunny is supposed to be.

I believe there are viable theories of what consciousness is, and what its explanation is (you will have to wait for my book to come out before you see why I would be so confident), so if you are anxious that a future AI should have consciousness, I believe this can easily be arranged.

Richard Loosemore

Bertromavich Edenburg wrote:
For Virtual AI or General
I think if we need to make the AI's morelike us and able to function as human beings we need to give them basicequations that make them think.
Like These:


Getting back to established scientific theory, normal waking
consciousness occurs when the nerve cell firing rate (synaptic
switching rate) is high enough to spread out the waves associated
with electrons to fill the gaps between nerve cells (synaptic
clefts) with waves of probability of similar amplitude. This is
described mathematically by the quantum mechanical mechanism of
tunneling. These waves are interconnected throughout regions of
the brain through resonances, resulting in a large, complex,
unified, quantum mechanically defined resonance matrix filling a
region in the brain. The waves are interconnected with each
other and with information storage and sensory input mechanisms
within these regions of the brain.


The nerve cell firing rate (v') at which this occurs has been
modeled mathematically by Evan Harris Walker (at the U.S. Army
Ballistics Center at Aberdeen Proving Ground) and corresponds to
the threshold between waking and sleeping consciousness in people
and animals. For normal waking consciousness to exist, the
synapse transmission frequency for the brain (v') must satisfy
the condition:

v' must be greater than or equal to N /T


N = The total number of synapses in the brain (in humans,
about 5E11)

T = Synaptic transmission delay time (the time interval
required for the propagation of the excitation energy
from one synapse to another)

This theory ascribes consciousness to an association of the
events occurring at any one synapse with events occurring at
other synapses in the brain by means of a quantum mechanical
propagation of information. The sense of individual identity is
an aspect of the continuity of the wave matrix residing in the
brain [4].



By merely observing a phenomenon (resonating ones brain with it)
one can affect the outcome, since the physical mechanisms in your
brain are part of the wave matrix described by quantum mechanics.
The information handling rate in resonance determines the amount
of effect, along with the elapsed time of resonance and the
probability distribution of the phenomenon you are observing
[5]. According to Evan Harris Walker, quantum mechanical state
selection can be biased by an observer if [5]:

W te is greater than or equal to -Log P(Qo-Qi)
Q 2


P(Qo-Qi) = Probability that state Qi will occur by chance

W = Information handling rate in process in brain
Q associated with state vector selection (bits/sec)

te = Elapsed time

Q = Overall state vector

Qo = Initial physical state of system

Qi = State that manifests 'paranormal' target event

The effect of consciousness is incredibly small on macroscopic
systems; but it can be measurable when it occurs on quantum
mechanically defined and divergent systems, where a slight change
can amplify itself as it propagates through the system. The
effect is about 1E-17 degrees on the angle of the bounce of cubes
going down an inclined plane. Changes in the angle of bounce
result in changes in displacement of the cubes that increase
about 50% on every bounce, and the effect is measurable after
many bounces [6]. The theory successfully and quantitatively
modeled the differing amounts of displacement observed in
experiments on cubes of different weights and weight
distributions [5].

Walker also modeled information retrieval in 'guess the card'
experiments. Simple, classical, random chance would predict a
smooth, binomial curve for the probabilities of getting the right
answer versus the number of subjects making successful
predictions at these probabilities. Walker's model predicts that
the curve would have peaks at certain levels of probability of
getting the right answer above those predicted by chance alone.
Experimental data showed peaks at the locations modeled.
However, more people were successful at the higher probability
levels than Walker's model estimated. This is considered to be
evidence of learning enhancement [5].

In the world of the weird and unexplained you; are left to imagine with; mysterious metaphors and thoughts that dont allow understanding audiences. Bertromavich 'He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.' Thomas Jefferson, letter to Isaac McPherson, 13 August 1813 <http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/documents/a1_8_8s12.html>

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