can you elaborate what the UA's are that are involved in that transaction?

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 5:59 AM, andrewpitman <>wrote:

> Joegen, George,
> I noticed some messages in my sipXproxy log from a hang on a
> customer system just today, which may or may not be
> pertinent.  Besides the parsing errors, I also see messages
> such as this immediately before the hang:
> "2012-08-21T15:40:56.031862Z"
> 90:SipXProxy: "'83226727-F4CE51E8': Received unexpected
> event InviteRequest while in state 'WaitingForMediaOffer'"
> "2012-08-21T15:40:56.233883Z"
> :SipXProxy: "SipUserAgent::send INVITE request matches
> existing transaction"
> "2012-08-21T15:40:56.323512Z"
> ipXProxy: "SipUserAgent::handleMessage SIP message timeout
> expired with no matching transaction"
> "2012-08-21T15:40:56.414306Z"
> :SipXProxy: "'5FHSHt9cQ2XBS':Received unexpected event
> UpdateRequest while in state 'WaitingForInvite'"
> "2012-08-21T15:40:56.516706Z"
> 90:SipXProxy: "'5FHSHt9cQ2XBS': Received unexpected event
> UpdateRequest while in state 'WaitingForInvite'"
> "2012-08-21T15:40:56.523583Z"
> FAB90:SipXProxy: "'5FHSHt9cQ2XBS': Received unexpected event
> SuccessfulResponse while in state 'WaitingForInvite'"
> Since this has been happening to some of our customers more
> than once within a 24 hour period, in order to keep them
> from cancelling with us we've had to resort to a watchdog
> script which sends OPTIONS messages to the servers
> periodically and restarts sipXproxy if it fails to respond.
> Obviously this is just a band-aid workaround until we can
> resolve this issue, since this means they incur
> approximately 3-4 minutes of service interruption every time
> this happens.
> Joegen Baclor wrote on Mon, 20 August 2012 13:45
> > I'll discuss this with GEroge later. Thanks for pointing
> > it out.
> --
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