If the autoinstallscript.conf file below is the one pulled off your
golden client, it looks like it has no partition info for your disk.

<disk dev="/dev/sda" label_type="gpt" unit_of_measurement="MB">
You should see one line here for each of your partitions...

My recommendation would be to run prepareclient on your golden client
again, and see if it's /etc/systemimager/autoinstallscript.conf file has
that info.

If you are unable to do that, and are trying to restore backup style,
then you can edit the autoinstallscript.conf file in your image to
include the necessary information.

I've attached an example copy from some random machine.  Just copy and
paste the <disk></disk> section into your autoinstallcript.conf file,
and edit to match your fstab file information.

Hope that helps, -Brian

Thus spake Dew-Hattens, Martin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
Trying to recover an IA64 platform using SLES8 for client and server systems.

It seems that the script "mkautoinstallscript" is not creating any statemement to create partitions when recovering the system. The file autoinstallscript.conf is in the correct place. Can anybody help me ?

# mkautoinstallscript -image martindh
Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at 
/usr/lib/systemimager/perl/SystemImager/Server.pm line 429.
Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at 
/usr/lib/systemimager/perl/SystemImager/Server.pm line 463.
Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at 
/usr/lib/systemimager/perl/SystemImager/Server.pm line 463.

Your new autoinstall script has been created:


Extract from image.master file ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

### BEGIN partition /dev/sda ###
echo "Partitioning /dev/sda..."
echo "Old partition table for /dev/sda:"
parted -s -- /dev/sda print

# Create disk label.  This ensures that all remnants of the old label, whatever
# type it was, are removed and that we're starting with a clean label.
echo "parted -s -- /dev/sda mklabel gpt || shellout"
parted -s -- /dev/sda mklabel gpt || shellout

# Get the size of the destination disk so that we can make the partitions fit properly.
DISK_SIZE=`parted -s /dev/sda print | grep 'Disk geometry for' | sed 's/^.*-//g' | sed 
's/\..*$//' `
[ -z $DISK_SIZE ] && shellout

echo "New partition table for /dev/sda:"
echo "parted -s -- /dev/sda print"
parted -s -- /dev/sda print
### END partition /dev/sda ###


  This disk's output was brought to you by the partition tool "parted".
  And by the numbers 4 and 5 and the letter Q.
 <disk dev="/dev/sda" label_type="gpt" unit_of_measurement="MB">

 <fsinfo  line="10" real_dev="/dev/sda5" mp="/"  fs="reiserfs" options="defaults" dump="1" 
pass="1" />
 <fsinfo  line="20" real_dev="/dev/sda3" mp="/boot"  fs="vfat" options="defaults" dump="0" pass="0" 
 mkfs_opts="-F 32" />
 <fsinfo  line="30" real_dev="/dev/sda2" mp="/windows/C"  fs="vfat" 
options="users,gid=users,umask=0002,iocharset=iso8859-1,code=437" dump="0" pass="0"  mkfs_opts="-F 32" />
 <fsinfo  line="40" real_dev="/dev/sda4" mp="swap"  fs="swap" options="pri=42" dump="0" 
pass="0" />
 <fsinfo  line="50" real_dev="devpts" mp="/dev/pts"  fs="devpts" options="mode=0620,gid=5" dump="0" 
pass="0" />
 <fsinfo  line="60" real_dev="proc" mp="/proc"  fs="proc" options="defaults" dump="0" 
pass="0" />
 <fsinfo  line="70" real_dev="usbdevfs" mp="/proc/bus/usb"  fs="usbdevfs" options="noauto" dump="0" 
pass="0" />
 <fsinfo  line="80" real_dev="/dev/cdrom" mp="/media/cdrom"  fs="auto" options="ro,noauto,user,exec" dump="0" 
pass="0"  format="no" />
 <fsinfo  line="90" real_dev="/dev/dvd" mp="/media/dvd"  fs="auto" options="ro,noauto,user,exec" dump="0" 
pass="0"  format="no" />

Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen

Martin Dew-Hattens

Mission Critical Support
Hewlett Packard
Engholm Parkvej 8
DK-3450 Aller?d

Tel: +45 4812 1370
Mobile : +45 4060 1370

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Brian Elliott Finley Argonne, MCS Division Phone: 630.631.6621 http://thefinleys.com
gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 10F8EE52
  This file contains partition information about the disks on your golden
  client.  It is stored here in a generic format that is used by your
  SystemImager server to create an autoinstall script for cloning this
  You can change the information in this file to affect how your target
  machines are installed.  See "man autoinstallscript.conf" for details.

  <disk dev="/dev/sda" label_type="gpt" unit_of_measurement="MB">
      This disk's output was brought to you by the partition tool "parted",
      and by the numbers 4 and 5 and the letter Q.
    <part  num="1"  size="54.872"  p_type="primary"  p_name="-"  flags="boot" />
    <part  num="2"  size="1027.532"  p_type="primary"  p_name="-"  flags="-" />
    <part  num="3"  size="2055.062"  p_type="primary"  p_name="-"  flags="-" />
    <part  num="4"  size="*"  p_type="primary"  p_name="-"  flags="-" />
  <disk dev="/dev/sdb" label_type="gpt" unit_of_measurement="MB">
      This disk's output was brought to you by the partition tool "parted",
      and by the numbers 4 and 5 and the letter Q.
    <part  num="1"  size="*"  p_type="primary"  p_name="-"  flags="-" />

  <fsinfo  line="10" real_dev="/dev/sda4" mp="/"  fs="reiserfs" options="defaults" 
dump="1" pass="1" />
  <fsinfo  line="20" real_dev="/dev/sda1" mp="/boot"  fs="vfat" options="defaults" 
dump="0" pass="0"  mkfs_opts="-F 32" />
  <fsinfo  line="30" real_dev="/dev/sda3" mp="/var"  fs="reiserfs" options="defaults" 
dump="1" pass="2" />
  <fsinfo  line="40" real_dev="/dev/sda2" mp="swap"  fs="swap" options="pri=42" 
dump="0" pass="0" />
  <fsinfo  line="50" real_dev="devpts" mp="/dev/pts"  fs="devpts" 
options="mode=0620,gid=5" dump="0" pass="0" />
  <fsinfo  line="60" real_dev="proc" mp="/proc"  fs="proc" options="defaults" dump="0" 
pass="0" />
  <fsinfo  line="70" real_dev="usbdevfs" mp="/proc/bus/usb"  fs="usbdevfs" 
options="noauto" dump="0" pass="0" />
  <fsinfo  line="80" real_dev="/dev/cdrom" mp="/media/cdrom"  fs="auto" 
options="ro,noauto,user,exec" dump="0" pass="0"  format="no" />
  <fsinfo  line="90" real_dev="/dev/dvd" mp="/media/dvd"  fs="auto" 
options="ro,noauto,user,exec" dump="0" pass="0"  format="no" />
  <fsinfo  line="100" real_dev="nfs-server:/usr/local" mp="/usr/local"  fs="nfs" 
options="rsize=4096,wsize=4096,timeo=14,intr" dump="1" pass="2" />
  <fsinfo  line="110" real_dev="nfs-server:/opt/xcat" mp="/opt/xcat"  fs="nfs" 
options="rsize=4096,wsize=4096,timeo=14,intr" dump="1" pass="2" />

  <boel devstyle="static"/>


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