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The following page has been changed by SergeyLubinskiy:

New page:

I'm Sergey Lubinskiy. I study at deparmant of physics.
I'm keen of programming although I don't specialize in it and posess certain
load of knowledge on Java, internet standards and protocols, general rules
of open source software development, design patterns.

I tend to think and code a bit too academically but I hope this will only
help me to participate in the summer of code programm. Here's my proposal.

=== Problem ===
James mail server performs reasonably well under normal load but heavy
spam traffic and dos attacks significantly degrade performance. Under
the current design the main process of decision making about each particular
mail message happens after the message has been fully recieved and filed
to disk or database. Combating spam requires us to adopt an alternative
strategy - we may wish to just cut tcp connections short based on ip and
smpt commands given before we even start to accept the message.

Another issue is that under the current desing very little control
is possible over a running instance of James mail server - the main
configuration method is to edit config manually and then restart
(which takes significant time).

=== Proposed solutions ===
Following FastFail proposal by DannyAngus and NoelBergman I propose
to implement a drop-in replacement for

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