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The following page has been changed by SergeyLubinskiy:

  === Hello! ===
  I'm Sergey Lubinskiy. I study at department of physics.
- I'm keen of programming although I don't specialize in it and posses certain
+ I'm keen of programming and although I don't specialize in it and I posses 
- load of knowledge on Java and internet protocols. I like hiking and 
bike-riding :-)
+ load of knowledge on Java and internet protocols. I like hacking hiking and 
bike-riding :-)
  My friends tell me that I tend to think and code a bit too academically but I 
hope this will only help me to participate in the summer of code program. 
Here's my proposal.
  === Problem ===
- James mail server performs reasonably well under normal load but heavy
+ James mail server performs reasonably well under normal load.
- spam traffic and dos attacks significantly degrade performance. Under
+ Heavy spam and virus traffic or dos attacks can significantly degrade its 
+ Under the current design we can not discard SMTP message until it has been 
completely recieved and saved to filesystem or database.
+ Combating spam requires us to adopt an alternative strategy - cut TCP 
connections judging on senders IP, RCPT, FROM and alike without even looking 
inside the message.
- the current design the main process of decision making about each particular
- mail message happens after the message has been fully received and filed
- to disk or database. Combating spam requires us to adopt an alternative
- strategy - we may wish to just cut TCP connections short based on IP and
- SMTP commands given before we even start to accept the message.
  Another issue is that under the current design very little control
  is possible over a running instance of James mail server - the main

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