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The following page has been changed by AaronJohnson:

The comment on the change is:
added link to the xmpp / jabber mailet I wrote.

     *  '''Message signature''' - some systems will hash the message to get a 
quick "signature" of a spam message, and then block further copies of these.
     *  '''Bayesian filtering''' - probably the most promising spam filtering, 
this learns what are frequent words that appear in spam and not spam, and then 
checks the frequency of these words in an incoming message to determine whether 
it's spam or not.  Quite effective!!
     *  '''Usage Limitations''' - Limit number of messages an authenticated 
user can send (daily or weekly) - this would keep users on a system from using 
it for mass-mailings.
-    *  '''Pornography Filtering''' - 
Article on porn filtering] describes how a filter checks for attachment images, 
opens them and counts the percentage of color pallete in the skin tone, and 
high amounts generally means it's a porn image.
+    *  '''Pornography Filtering''' -  11/27/2000 article describes how 
a filter checks for attachment images, opens them and counts the percentage of 
color pallete in the skin tone, and high amounts generally means it's a porn 
   *  '''Bulk Mailing Stats''' - By using [ 
Variable Envelope Return Paths (VERP)], you can track what recipients of bulk 
mailings were unable to receive an outgoing message.
@@ -63, +63 @@

       *  I have developed one; question is: is there a repository somewhere I 
can upload it to? - Christian Knecht mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
     *  '''Mail-to-Instantmessaging''' - (Jabber, AIM, Yahoo! messenger, etc..) 
       *  under development( in Japanese)
+      * available now:
     *  '''Mail-to-Printer''' - Configure system to print email when it arrives 
- applying a customizable template / stylesheet.  Like the Cocoon Mailet.
     *  '''Language translation''' - could take messages incoming in English 
and translate them to French, or vice versa.
     *  '''Cocoon Mailet''' - that can pipe the mail to Cocoon for 
@@ -80, +81 @@

   *  '''Web Service mail server'''. A mailet would store (references to) all 
mails processed by a System, and offer those of "public status" (in public 
lists, etc.) via Message-ID parameter. The web service would forward requests 
for not available mails to the originating peer. --SantiagoGala
   *  '''Instant Messaging Notification'''.  A mailet that sends an IM to the 
recipient to let them know they have mail.  Very useful for people who have 
multiple email accounts with low volume.  The from, to, and subject of the 
email would be included in the IM.  -- Peter Monaco
+    * available now:

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