
> I believe you overlooked Tools->Rotate Page Left and Tools->Rotate
> Page Right on the main menu.  As in most applications, toolbar
> buttons are only a subset of all possible actions.

Thanks much for taking the time to point out that, I had indeed missed

>From what you said, all the individual page rotations are forgotten on

> There was discussion about this on the bibdesk-develop and
> bibdesk-users lists back in 2006-2007.  Some of the developers
> didn't want to add auto-reloading because of page number changes and
> the chance of screwing up notes, and I still think you should avoid
> it if at all possible.

I use Skim because it is a viewer that automatically refreshes so I
could develop a document without having to use my mouse at all.  I
could not get other viewers to do this.  While doing this I will never
add notes since I'm aware of that danger.

Different people have different ideas about how to use a tool.

> > What is different about remembering page
> > rotations from rembering the current page?
> Rotation is an inherent property of each PDF page.  Suppose you have
> mixed landscape/portrait pages in your PDF document, and Skim loads
> it as such.  If you reload that and have a different number of
> pages, or if you rearrange them, how is it supposed to know which
> pages are landscape and which are portrait?

The simplest solution is to forget the detailed rotations but to keep
the global changes, just as the page is kept - even though it may be
inconsistent in some cases.  The user will understand what they have
done!  Is that a resonable solution?  Would it adversely affect
something else?

> The current page is a similar problem; it's a heuristic that will
> fail at times.  I understand why this seems inconsistent, but I'd
> suggest that the correct solution is to reset the current page to
> the first page after reloading.  TeX editors have things like
> synctex to take care of this reliably.

If Skim reset to the first page, I may as well use a different viewer.

(I see that synctex works with pdflatex, not straight latex - wouldn't
that would force me to abandon all my eps files from 20 years of
writing papers?)


  Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
  National Institutes of Health
  National Cancer Institute
  Gene Regulation and Chromosome Biology Laboratory
  Molecular Information Theory Group
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201 (permanent)

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