Please do not use 1.4.33 when you have a large number of notes! This has a 
writing bug, and I see you ran into that (from the "failed to read unique key 
net_sourceforge_skim-app_unique_key for 0 fragments from property list.” 
error). You should update to 1.4.34 ASAP. This may well be the cause of some of 
your problems.

Also, I have found that on 10.13 a Save from a cocoa app (e.g. Preview) will 
truncate the extended attributes to a very small size (0.5kB), even smaller 
than we use (and we are very conservative with a maximum size of 2kB). Perhaps 
you run into that problem somehow.

As for the draft saving attribute failure, I don’t really know what happens 
there. We certainly don’t do that, so it must be in the standard saving handler 
from Cocoa. So that would be a problem with the System, and perhaps some app 
having left the file in some problematic state.

As for the closing window crash, I don’t really have any idea about that. This 
is all private core graphics stuff, so I get the impression that may be a bug 
in PDFKit.


> On 11 Apr 2018, at 16:14, Rob van Halteren <> wrote:
> Hi Christiaan,
> I am pretty sure the ‘saving’ trouble is introduced by osx 10.13. I now have 
> a mix of Apple workstations running osx 10.10.5 and osx 10.13.2
> We did not update skim so we are running skim version 1.4.9 on these 
> workstations.
> For testing I use osx 10.10.5 and skim 1.4.33 (107) on Macbook pro
> ********
> ( crash upon closing window.  Have this only with skim 1.4.33 )
> 11-04-18 15:48:56,909 Skim[2197]: assertion failed: 14F2511: libxpc.dylib + 
> 62447 [5C829202-962E-3744-8B50-00D38CC88E84]: 0x89
> 11-04-18 15:48:57,517 Skim[2197]: plugin 
> com.tresorit.mac.TresoritExtension.FinderExtension interrupted
> 11-04-18 15:48:57,518 Skim[2197]: Unable to setup extension context - error: 
> Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.
> 11-04-18 15:49:13,015 Skim[2197]: failed to read unique key 
> net_sourceforge_skim-app_unique_key for 0 fragments from property list.
> 11-04-18 15:51:15,435[1]: 
> (net.sourceforge.skim-app.skim.78416[2197]) Service exited due to signal: 
> Abort trap: 6
> from the crash report 
> Process:               Skim [2124]
> Path:                  /Applications/
> Identifier:            net.sourceforge.skim-app.skim
> Version:               1.4.33 (107)
> Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
> Parent Process:        ??? [1]
> Responsible:           Skim [2124]
> User ID:               501
> Date/Time:             2018-04-11 15:36:30.152 +0200
> OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.10.5 (14F2511)
> Report Version:        11
> Anonymous UUID:        7573ADEE-0259-9F51-921C-3892AB41FEE2
> Time Awake Since Boot: 20000 seconds
> Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue:
> Exception Type:        EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
> Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
> Application Specific Information:
> Assertion failed: (r->shape != NULL), function assert_check_region, file 
> Regions/CGRegion.c, line 28.
> *******
> For the not able to save issue.
> When opening the document from within skim.
> first message:                        Skim was not able to read the notes at 
> /Volumes/entrepot/continuiteitsrapporten/test_skim/IWWJB_reports3.pdf. Failed 
> to reassemble attribute value. Do you want to continue to open the PDF 
> document anyway?
> second message:               Unable to read notes for 
> /Volumes/entrepot/continuiteitsrapporten/test_skim/IWWJB_reports3.pdf, but a 
> Skim notes file with the same name was found.  Do you want Skim to read the 
> notes from this file?
> Then file will save.
> If
> first message:                        Unable to read notes for 
> /Volumes/entrepot/continuiteitsrapporten/test_skim/IWWJB_reports3.pdf, but a 
> Skim notes file with the same name was found.  Do you want Skim to read the 
> notes from this file?
> try to save mesage:   The document “IWWJB_reports3.pdf” could not be saved .  
> But also no crash when closing the window just the normal behaviour   "Do you 
> want to save the changes made to the document “IWWJB_reports3.pdf”?
> Then
> If we do save as in skim, to save the file with other or same name.  The file 
> is saved.
> The console output reports an error open saving as:
> 11-04-18 16:09:15,799 Skim[2249]: Failed to remove the draft status extended 
> attribute at: 
> /Volumes/entrepot/continuiteitsrapporten/test_skim/IWWJB_reports3.pdf. 
> Invalid argument
> 11-04-18 16:09:26,451[1]: 
> (net.sourceforge.skim-app.skim.78416[2249]) Service exited due to signal: 
> Segmentation fault: 11
> Document is saved.
> AV | IT System Engineer
> Entrepotdok 66
> NL-1018 AD Amsterdam
> T: +31 20 530 9696
> F: +31 20 530 9697
> <>
> <filmmore_png_11122012173811.png>
> <imdb_11122012173800.png><blank_11122012173722.gif> 
> <><twitter_11122012173841.jpg><blank_11122012173722.gif>
> <><facebook_11122012173738.jpg><blank_11122012173722.gif>
>  <><linkedin_11122012173828.jpg>
>  <>
>> On 11 apr. 2018, at 15:23, Christiaan Hofman < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>> On 11 Apr 2018, at 14:58, Rob van Halteren < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a strange more or less inconsistent problem saving my existing skim 
>>> documents ( with external skim-notes file ) to my storage using Mac osx 
>>> 10.10 and 10.13
>>> It only happens when Skim opens a PDF file and a popup comes up saying that 
>>> "external notes file is found”
>>> After opening en editing the notes, The document can not be saved anymore 
>>> to the storage.  But I can do "save as” even with the same filename to the 
>>> storage.
>>> This problem has come up quite recently. I have a lot of pdf’s with 
>>> external notes on the same storage in the same directory.
>>> These are no permission problems saving to this storage. 
>>> The only thing this storage does is changing the UID and GID from the files 
>>> so that many users can have acces without problems.
>>> Until recently this was not a problem for skim.
>>> For the newer files saved by skim I saw that there are x-attributes  saved 
>>> with the file like.
>>> xattr IWWJB_reports3.pdf 
>>> net_sourceforge_skim-app_notes
>>> net_sourceforge_skim-app_text_notes
>>> net_sourceforge_skim-app_rtf_notes
>>> net_sourceforge_skim-app_BFA1220A-C4DF-4170-816A-1BB5B27FE1C5-0
>>> net_sourceforge_skim-app_569FFE23-53E0-4A03-AF35-6F76B9D00CC1-0
>>> for the skim notes the look:
>>> xattr IWWJB_reports3.skim 
>>> If I remove these attributes, than I can save the file once.
>>> My older skim files don’t have the ‘net_sourceforge_skim attributes.
>>> this problem is not solved by the last release. 
>>> This release makes it worse by crashing when the document is closed by 
>>> clicking on the “red” window-closing button  ( mac osx 10.10.5 )
>>> Regards,
>>> Rob.
>>> AV | IT System Engineer
>>> Entrepotdok 66
>>> NL-1018 AD Amsterdam
>>> T: +31 20 530 9696
>>> F: +31 20 530 9697
>>> <>
>>> <filmmore_png_11122012173811.png>
>>> <imdb_11122012173800.png><blank_11122012173722.gif> 
>>> <><twitter_11122012173841.jpg><blank_11122012173722.gif>
>>> <><facebook_11122012173738.jpg><blank_11122012173722.gif>
>>>  <><linkedin_11122012173828.jpg>
>>>  <>
>> Skim has always saved these extended attributes. This is the way Skim saves 
>> the note data.
>> Are you sure this also recently started on 10.10? That would be strange as 
>> neither Skim nor 10.10 would have changed in this respect. As for 10.13, 
>> perhaps Apple is making trouble due to the new file system they use on 
>> 10.13. Could it be that your external file system has a very restrictive 
>> limit on the length of external attributes?
>> Also, can you find more detailed error messages, perhaps from, 
>> and also from the alert, about the failing saves? And perhaps the crash? 
>> (This is rather hard on 10.13).
>> Christiaan

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