Hello George,

Sorry for the terrible delay!

George McNinch <gmcni...@zoho.com> skribis:

> I wanted to follow up on my question here:
>>> What would it take to make skribilo use guile-2.2 instead of
>>> guile-2.0?

Of course you found out in the meantime :-), but basically I started
updating some of the code to support 2.2 in master months ago, and
didn’t quite finish, because I stumbled upon…

> e.g. guile-2.0 is apparently happy to evaluate forms like the following:
> (let
>   ((a '(1 2)))
>  (set-car! a 3)
>  a)
> ==> (3 2)
> Upon evaluating that form in guile-2.2, however, it complains
>>> In procedure set-car!: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting
>>> mutable pair): (1 2)
> Variations of this latter error ("expecting mutable pair") seem to
> appear a lot when I try to use skribilo with guile-2.2. I chased such
> errors for a while yesterday afternoon - e.g. this sort of error occurs
> in some methods in engines.scm handling the customs of an engine, and I
> was able to give a fix to that issue that seemed to behave correctly.
> (e.g. with the skribilo from git, calling
> (use-modules (skribilo engines))
> (engine-custom-set! (find-engine 'html) 'emit-sui #t)
> produced an "expecting mutable pair", and I managed to find a fix to
> *that* problem.

… this issue ↑

I think it was segfaulting while building the manual, because in Guile
2.2 you’re really not supposed to mutate a literal pair.

If you have patches that fix issues like this, I’m happy to take them!


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