Andrew Gallagher dijo [Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 10:12:14AM +0100]:
> Making point to somewhere that still works has merit. I
> would be cautious about taking it on though, as whoever owns it will inherit
> Kristian's GDPR problems. You would need to be prepared to respond to RTBF
> requests in a timely fashion - although this applies to all keyserver
> operators, the owner of will naturally get the highest
> number of requests.
> So please, if anyone is considering claiming it, don't run SKS on it or you
> will find yourself unable to comply with GDPR. And I would strongly advise
> against running a new pool - doing so effectively claims responsibility for
> other people's servers outside your control.

Well, for people who have been running SKS lately -- Is dealing with
GDPR requests something you have to deal with often on an ongoing
basis? I cannot answer, as I shut down my server about two years ago
(and neither my server nor myself are in Europe).

Personally, I am willing to put my resources into maintaining a
working decentralized keyserver network; of course, I am not
_currently_ running a keyserver (that will probably change within the
next week or two), and it won't do much if I'm the only one doing
so. But, in order to rebuild a network able to withstand the migration
to the 21st century... we must be willing not to kill the network to
begin with!

> That said, I think is great, and deserves our support.
> I notice that it is currently failing, perhaps because the URL that you were
> using as your initial node is no longer available? Feel free to use
> as the initial node instead.

Of course, thanks for reminding me about it! I am adopting
as the starting point.

Small catch -- About a month ago, you answered my previous mail
pointing out my code didn't correctly parse Hockeypuck's status
(because, yes, it uses a different DOM). I had to take the opportunity
to update my scripts to be able to deal with this difference. So,
win-win :-D

I have not yet addressed all the points you pointed out in that mail,
but at least it's working again.

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