On 08/09/2020 17:04, Dave Woodfall wrote:
On 07/09/20 23:02,
Andrzej Telszewski <atelszew...@gmail.com> put forth the proposition:
I edit using Qt Creator as regular user.
You use that as a general purpose editor?  Isn't it rather slow
compared to plain vim, and doesn't it also need X11 running to use
I guess I'm a bit younger than you. :->
I'm X11 guy, using plain Linux VT only for emergency tasks.

When it comes to speed, well, it doesn't matter.
The machine is fast enough and SlackBuilds are small enough.

I don't use X11 unless it's absolutely necessary - for example, to
use a GUI web browser to access some websites that either need
javascript support that I can't get in my usual browser (elinks), or
where having images makes life easier (for shopping mostly).  Or
sometimes to test something with a GUI to see if it actually works.

I then test building in QEMU (libvirt).
If your hardware allows, I strongly suggest going this path.
There are more added benefits to this choice as well.
There are some high spec VMs available for admin use,
What do you mean by VM _for admin_?
You mean VM that is not running on your PC, but rather somewhere else, e.g. in the SBo infrastructure?

but I only use
them for large builds that would take a long time and tie my PC up,
otherwise I use a chroot with an overlay filesystem mounted in RAM.
At the end of a test session I simple unmount and remount the overlay
and everything is reset back to a clean chroot.
That is an option.

But I prefer QEMU, since everything is running under regular user, no _root_ required. In addition, except for scripts/packages directories, no real hardware (i.e. /dev /proc /sys) is shared, so the SlackBuild can go mad and it will not hurt me.

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