
First of all I must say that I am very impressed by your work! Thanks
again, Carlos! I am pretty sure many people will benefit from your

Anyway, I had a closer look at all this and now have some questions.
Please take them as questions of someone who wants to understand and
learn and not as any form of criticism:

Database Scheme

The OJB implementation uses the old Slide database scheme, right?
Wouldn't this mean that we can use the (old) rdbms content store so
that all data goes to the file system?

Property Values

I like the property value mechanism, but was wondering if there was an
alternative mode to store properties in a way compatible to the old
mechanism? This would be useful when migrating to the OBJ store having
legacy data.

Peer Classes 

I have seen almost all people using some sort of DAOs with their ORM
tool and I guess the peer classes are just for the same purpose. I am
neither an OJB, nor an ORM expert so I was wondering why? Reading
something like this

at least JDO 2 will support a detach mechanism which would allow to
let objects live longer than the transaction associated. This way it
would be no problem to have the objects in global caches as well. Is
this just impractical or does OJB simply not support this?

Sequence Store

Maybe there is a misunderstand concerning the sequence store. A
sequence is nothing Slide stores or uses as data, but pretty much a
mapping to the sequence mechanism of the underlying database. It is
much more comparable to the sequence concept provided OJB itself. If
this is impossible to map it would be much safter to simply omit the
sequence store as it really is optional.

Author Tags

The Slide community has voted to remove all author tags some time ago.
Would you allow me to remove your author tags as well? This is not to
take away the credit from you (you would still get it through the
contributors page which is even more visible), but to transfer the
responsibility to the community.

Thanks in advance,


On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 00:54:00 +0900, Carlos Villegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Happy New Year,
> As promised, I've submitted an initial implementation of a slide store
> based on Apache OJB O/R tool. I created a new bug report in bugzilla
> (Bug 32913) and attached the files.
> I've implemented all stores except the content store. Need more time to
> think about it. The BLOB type is not supported by all databases (though
> most have some support for large objects) and still need to check if OJB
> have some generic way of dealing with large binary objects.
> There is support for changing the table prefix via a build property. The
> SQL is generated from the peer classes directly using xdoclet and
> torque. However, torque doesn't do a good job generating the sql script
> and the create statements may need to be reordered manually so that
> tables that are target of referencial integrity constraints are created
> first. Need to check if commons-sql does a better job.
> Also I've implemented a mechanism to store property values that consists
> of lists like version-set or group-member-set in a separate table, one
> list item per row.
> I tested PostgreSQL 7.4.6/8.0.0rc2 and MySQL 4.1.8. Didn't run the full
> testsuite, just verified that it basically works by creating some
> folders and files and creating versions/checkout/checkin, etc.
> It's a first try, mostly followed the RDBMS logic and converted it to
> OJB.  Need to optimize the mappings and tune OJB for Slide behaviour.
> Oliver, please check it out and go ahead an make any adjustments.
> As I said I'll think about the BLOB issue but I won't have much time for
> this during the following 2 or 3 weeks.
> Regards,
> Carlos
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