
On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 10:20 PM, Tobias Bocanegra
>  > Wouldn't it be trivially easy to just use a component that takes the
>  >  referenced content and executes it as a script? This needs no extra
>  >  support from the Sling framework, a simple component just like any
>  >  other should be enough.
>  of course, but then you need to create an extra node for each script
>  you want to execute. eg:
>  /apps/foo/test.jsp
>  /apps/foo/test
>   sling:resourceType "/magic/exec/servlet"
>   scriptPath="/apps/foo/test.jsp"

Why can't you just attach the special sling:resourceType to the test.jsp node?


Jukka Zitting

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