On 23 Jun 2009, at 12:46, Tobias Bocanegra wrote:

according to jsr283 (see 16.2.3), the jcr:write is an aggregate privilege:

• jcr:write: An aggregate privilege that contains:
o jcr:modifyProperties
o jcr:addChildNodes
o jcr:removeNode
o jcr:removeChildNodes

so, jcr:write should be sufficient. i can imagine, that the individual
privilege are expanded when applying the privilege on the node, but i
don't know for sure. how exactly do you set the privilege? using the
AccessControllManager ?

using the sling AccessControlUtils to get the ACL on the node, modify the acl on the node, and the set it.

if you think this is a bug, please file a jackrabbit jira issue (if
possible with a test-case).

I will check against trunk to see that its not my installation.


regards, toby

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Ian Boston<i...@tfd.co.uk> wrote:

If I set jcr:write granted on a node, I can upload content to that node with
a multipart post but I cant overwrite the content.

to make that work I appear to need at least


{"ian5":{"granted": ["jcr:write ","jcr:removeChildNodes ","jcr:modifyProperties","jcr:addChildNodes","jcr:removeNode"]}}

to avoid getting an access denied on remove jcr:content.

This sounds a little odd, since write usually implies overwrite.

Was this intentional.. or a fact of jcr ?

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