Last Thursday a strange thing happened.  My server which has been
running happily for about 2 years decided that it could not talk to
bigpond direct anymore, through its 56k dialup modem.

The symptom was that it would sometimes connect but after a few seconds
or minutes the ppp would die, although the moden still had the CD light
on, and hence the server (RH5) did not notice anything wrong.

I changed the computer and modem (same type) and phone line - same
results. Telstra were puzzled, and gave me a new dial-in number and
router port.  Still the same.

The only way I have been able to make it work is to plug in an old 33k
modem, which has been working fine for  a couple of days.

Telstra's techs monitored the router when I was connected but unable to
communicate and they said the retry counter was running wild.  Which
suggests a line problem or modem problem. But why would a new modem and
a different phone line behave the same??

Any ideas?


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