<quote who="Jobst Schmalenbach">

> Actually, from what I see you posted in both text AND html .....

At the risk of adding to this thread, but perhaps adding something of value,
you can decode some of Outlook's more cryptic emissions using the 'tnef'

TNEF is an MS plot to piss off^W^W^W^W'innovation' to do what MIME already
does. Go figure.

Debian sid (and perhaps woody) users can apt-get install tnef. Others can
use that hideous new Freshmeat 2 (which you'll note, they've changed - there
are now icons instead of drop down menus. Jakob Nielsen must have got to
them, directly or otherwise...)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------- http://linux.conf.au/ --

                  ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI.

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