Yes. Assuming the ip address is then it will be 

http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager

I am not sure what version of squid you are running but you might also want
to specify which actions are allowed via cachemgr.cgi in squid.conf. Format
is something like (taken straight from my squid.conf file):

# cachemgr_passwd secret shutdown
# cachemgr_passwd lesssssssecret info stats/objects
# cachemgr_passwd disable all

Good luck.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Hewitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 25 March 2002 9:07 PM
To: Hartono, Susanto
Subject: RE: [SLUG] CGI

I assume that 'allowed-ip-address' is actually the IP address that Im 
allowing not the actual words you have typed their??

>http_access allow manager localhost allowed-ip-address
>http_access deny manager

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