At Fri, 6 Dec 2002 09:56:17 +1100, Robert Maurency wrote:
> Does anyone know of a good editor for html/php?
> I am used to working with Homesite on Windows (for html, asp, php,
> js etc), but I'm developing more and more on my Linux laptop
> installation.
> I know there are plenty of text editors around, but I'm after one
> with the pretty (and essential if you do as many typos as I do!) 
> colour coding.


take your pick of php-mode, html-helper-mode (which can narrow to
chunks of php/asp/vb/etc), or mmm-mode and a mix of any html mode and

i don't write php, so i can't tell you which of those i prefer.

(console/X11/win32, supports just about every editing need.  why do
people insist on using something else?)

 - Gus
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