Hi all,

I am still having probs getting suspend to work on this Ti PBook running 
Debian. Jeff at the SLUG meet last time suggested powermgr-base and I 
checked but that was already installed. What I have on the system is:

In pmudutils is  alittle thingo called Batmon which when run shows the 
battery being connected/disconnected and the power level but if you hit 
the sleep button the machine goes into a coma and has to be restarted 
via hard reset. The same with the command line utility called snooze. It 
seems to just turn off the machine.

Reading the docs does not indicate that I need to setup anything else 
that I can see. The ecology HOWTO does not help although it covers a lot 
about how to install things its mainly Intel with a brief mention that 
pmud is for power pcs.


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