
I have run Smoothwall with Internode although I now use ClarkConnect, but
each to his own and your choice is as personal as your choice of GNU/Linux

Now to your problems I agree with Dave Filtch you seem to have username
password problems. Check that you are putting in the correct username ie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] you must have the tagged on. If this does
not help try Internode support (as Dave said they as now afraid to talk
Linux) or the Internode forum on .

All the best,

Steve Grady

> -----Original Message-----
> From: andrew fries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, 17 January 2003 9:37 AM
> Subject: [SLUG] Help! - Configuring Smoothwall for Internode's ADSL
> I know we have a few dedicated Internode users so I was hoping someone
> would help me to join this exclusive club. My account was just
> activated, but I can't get in! 
> I'm using dedicated box running Smootwall 1.0. Modem is D-Link 300,
> provided and pre-configured by Internode. Modem seems to grab the
> connection just fine; all lights are green (status light blinking
> green). But when I try to connect, here's what I get in pppd logs:
> 07:32:39 pppd pppd 2.3.11 started by nobody, uid 99
> 07:32:39 pppd Using interface ppp0
> 07:32:39 pppd Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyp0
> 07:32:40 pppoe PPP session is 5601
> 07:32:41 pppd Remote message: Request Denied
> 07:32:41 pppd CHAP authentication failed
> 07:32:41 pppd Connection terminated.
> 07:32:41 pppoe read (asyncReadFromPPP): Input/output error
> 07:32:41 pppoe Sent PADT
> 07:32:41 pppd Exit.
> I set up Smoothwall myself and not being much of an expert, I was kind
> of fumbling in the dark... this is what I've got:
> Red Interface is Eth1. In setup program, networking part, I've got the
> following for Red: PPPoE for type, Smoothwall for DHCP name, adresses
> and mask left at default values of
> In "DNS settings" I entered values provided by Internode;
> for primary and for secondary.  "Default
> gateway" the same as primary.
> PPP settings, those set up through Smoothwall's web interface:
> PPPoE for interface, [EMAIL PROTECTED] for username, "PAP or 
> CHAP" for
> method and "automatic" for DNS. There are also entries for "Additional
> PPPoE settings" that worry me a bit: "Service name" and "concentrator
> name". I left them both blank, since I've no idea what they are!
> I would greatly appreciate any help!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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